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The power of using active voice in content writing

    The power of using active voice in content writing

    As a content writer, the words you choose and the way you construct your sentences can have a significant impact on your readers. One aspect of writing that can make a big difference is the use of active voice. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using active voice and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your writing.

    What is active voice?

    In grammatical terms, the voice of a verb refers to the relationship between the subject and the action being described. In active voice, the subject is performing the action. For example:

    “The cat chased the mouse.”

    In this sentence, the subject is “the cat,” and the action being performed is “chased.”

    On the other hand, in passive voice, the subject is receiving the action. For example:

    “The mouse was chased by the cat.”

    In this sentence, the subject is “the mouse,” and it is being acted upon by the cat. Passive voice is often used to downplay the role of the subject or to shift the focus away from the subject.

    Why use active voice?

    There are several reasons why active voice is generally preferred in content writing:

    • It’s more concise and direct: Using active voice allows you to convey your message more efficiently and clearly. Consider the following sentence: “The report was written by John.” In passive voice, this sentence requires seven words. In active voice, it can be shortened to: “John wrote the report.”
    • It’s more engaging: Active voice tends to be more engaging and lively, as it puts the focus on the subject and the action being performed. This can make your writing more interesting and engaging for your readers.
    • It’s more powerful: Active voice can give your writing a stronger, more confident tone. By using active voice, you can convey your message more assertively and effectively.

    How to use active voice

    Using active voice in your writing is relatively simple. Here are some tips to help you incorporate it into your content:

    • Identify the subject and verb in your sentence: The first step in using active voice is to identify the subject and verb in your sentence. In active voice, the subject is performing the action described by the verb.
    • Make the subject do the action: Once you’ve identified the subject and verb, make sure that the subject is performing the action described by the verb. Avoid using a form of the verb “to be” as the main verb in your sentence, as this can often lead to passive voice.
    • Use strong verbs: Instead of using weak or vague verbs, try to use strong, specific verbs that convey the action more clearly. For example, instead of saying “The cat chased the mouse,” you could say “The cat pounced on the mouse.”

    Here are some examples of sentences written in active voice:

    • “The cat chased the mouse.”
    • “John wrote the report.”
    • “Samantha painted the room.”

    And here are the same sentences written in passive voice:

    • “The mouse was chased by the cat.”
    • “The report was written by John.”
    • “The room was painted by Samantha.”

    As you can see, using active voice allows you to convey the same information in a more concise and direct manner.

    When to use passive voice

    While active voice is generally preferred in content writing, there are times when using passive voice may be appropriate. Here are some situations where passive voice can be useful:

    • When the subject is unknown or unimportant: If the subject of the sentence is unknown or unimportant, using passive voice can be a good way to shift the focus away from the subject. For example, “The window was broken” puts the focus on the fact that the window is broken, rather than on the person or thing that broke it.
    • When you want to downplay the role of the subject: In some cases, you may want to downplay the role of the subject in a sentence. For example, “The mistake was made by me” puts the focus on the mistake, rather than on the person who made it.

    It’s important to note that using passive voice too frequently can make your writing less engaging and less direct. As a general rule, try to use active voice whenever possible and reserve passive voice for specific situations where it’s appropriate.


    Using active voice in your content writing can make your writing more concise, engaging, and powerful. By focusing on the subject and the action being performed, you can convey your message more effectively and engage your readers. While passive voice can have its place in certain situations, try to use active voice whenever possible to make your writing more impactful. Many website allow you to check the active voice, this is case for example of .

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