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The dos and don’ts of using humor in content writing

    The dos and don'ts of using humor in content writing


    Humor can be a powerful tool in content writing, helping to engage and entertain readers while also making a message more memorable. However, it can also be a risky strategy, as humor is highly subjective and what one person finds funny may not be the case for others. In this article, we will explore the dos and don’ts of using humor in content writing, looking at how to effectively incorporate it into your writing while also avoiding common pitfalls.

    The Dos of Using Humor in Content Writing

    1. Know your audience

    One of the most important things to consider when using humor in content writing is your audience. Different audiences will have different senses of humor and what works for one group may not work for another. It’s essential to understand the demographics, interests, and preferences of your target audience in order to effectively use humor in your writing. For example, a piece of content aimed at young adults may benefit from a more edgy, irreverent sense of humor, while a piece aimed at a more conservative audience may require a more subtle, sophisticated approach.

    2. Use humor to add value and make a point

    Effective use of humor in content writing should go beyond simply trying to make readers laugh. Instead, it should be used to add value and make a point in a more engaging and memorable way. For example, a humorous anecdote or joke can be used to illustrate a key point or idea in a way that sticks in the reader’s mind. Similarly, using humor to add levity to a heavy or complex topic can make it more approachable and enjoyable for readers.

    3. Stay true to your brand voice and style

    Incorporating humor into your content writing should be done in a way that is authentic and consistent with your brand voice and style. If your brand is known for its serious, informative content, trying to inject too much humor may feel forced and out of place. On the other hand, if your brand is known for its playful, lighthearted tone, using humor can be a natural and effective way to engage with readers.

    4. Use humor appropriately

    It’s important to consider the tone and subject matter of your content when using humor. Using humor in a lighthearted article or blog post is generally appropriate, but it may not be as suitable for more serious or formal pieces such as reports or business documents. It’s also important to consider the context in which your content will be read – for example, a joke about a sensitive topic may not be appropriate for a professional setting.

    5. Edit and revise for maximum impact

    As with any aspect of content writing, it’s important to carefully edit and revise your use of humor to ensure it has the desired effect. This means cutting out jokes that fall flat or aren’t in line with your brand, as well as fine-tuning the delivery and pacing of your jokes to maximize their impact. A good rule of thumb is to show your writing to a few people and get their feedback on what works and what doesn’t before publishing.

    The Don’ts of Using Humor in Content Writing

    1. Don’t alienate or offend your audience

    One of the biggest risks of using humor in content writing is alienating or offending your audience. Even if you know your audience well, it’s still possible to misjudge what they will find funny or inappropriate. In order to avoid this, it’s important to be mindful of sensitive topics and to avoid making jokes that could be perceived as offensive or inappropriate.

    2. Don’t overdo it

    While a touch of humor can be effective in content writing, it’s important not to overdo it. Too much humor can become overwhelming or distract from the main points you are trying to make. It’s also important to remember that not every piece of content needs to be humorous – sometimes a more serious or straightforward approach is more appropriate.

    3. Don’t rely on cheap laughs or outdated jokes

    In order to effectively use humor in content writing, it’s important to avoid relying on cheap laughs or outdated jokes. This means steering clear of tired, overused jokes and punchlines, as well as jokes that rely on stereotypes or offensive language. Instead, try to come up with fresh, original ways to use humor in your writing that will engage and entertain your audience.

    4. Don’t sacrifice clarity or accuracy for the sake of a joke

    While it’s important to use humor in a way that adds value and makes a point, it’s never okay to sacrifice clarity or accuracy for the sake of a joke. This means avoiding exaggerations or distortions of the facts in order to set up a punchline, as well as avoiding jokes that obscure or confuse the main points you are trying to make.

    5. Don’t try too hard to be funny

    Forcing humor into your content writing can come across as awkward or contrived, so it’s important not to try too hard to be funny. Instead, try to focus on finding natural, organic ways to incorporate humor into your writing that feel authentic and genuine. This will help ensure that your use of humor comes across as natural and effortless, rather than forced or artificial.

    Examples of Effective Use of Humor in Content Writing

    1. The Onion

    The Onion is a satirical news website known for its clever, humorous takes on current events and pop culture. The site’s use of humor is consistently on-brand and adds value to its articles by offering a unique, humorous perspective on important issues.

    2. The Oatmeal

    The Oatmeal is a popular webcomic that uses humor to tackle a wide range of topics, from science and technology to relationships and everyday annoyances. The comic’s creator, Matthew Inman, uses a mix of witty one-liners and absurdist humor to engage and entertain readers while also imparting valuable information and insights.

    3. McSweeney’s Internet Tendency

    McSweeney’s Internet Tendency is a website that publishes humorous essays, articles, and lists. The site’s content is diverse and ranges from absurdist humor to more satirical takes on current events. One example is a list titled “12 Ways to Make a Boring Office Party More Bearable,” which offers humorous suggestions such as “Bring a piñata filled with tranquilizers” and “Set up a dunk tank, but instead of water, it’s filled with quicksand.”


    In conclusion, using humor in content writing can be a powerful tool for engaging and entertaining readers, but it requires a careful balance and consideration of your audience and brand voice. By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this article, you can effectively incorporate humor into your writing while avoiding common pitfalls. With the right approach, humor can add value and make your content more memorable and enjoyable for readers.

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